Redseat UI Kit

UI Kit design for Redseat.

UI, Layout, UI Kit, Sketch, Web, Zeplin
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The Project

Redseat was a project initiated within’s innovation hub, Monday Labs. It served as a foundational step towards implementing a comprehensive Design System for the entire ecosystem. My approach began with creating a UI Kit and Library intended for collaboration with Front End developers, applying Brad Frost’s Atomic Design methodology. This involved breaking down the site into smaller components—atoms, molecules, and organisms—creating templates and pages, and identifying recurring design patterns.

The primary objective was to demonstrate the benefits of a scaled-down Design System within a short timeframe to various teams. This included showcasing potential time and cost savings, while establishing a framework for developing consistent and resilient products in the future. Working closely with Front End developers, we built a React Library that lays the groundwork for future innovations at

The Project